Market Closed

23 Oct 2024 04:52:42

Approved Escrow Agent

Carbon Match is pleased to be able to confirm that Public Trust (Corporate Trustee Services) is the Approved Escrow Agent for the purposes of settling a Carbon Match contract between a buyer and a seller. Public Trust is a Crown Entity and its independence is guaranteed under the Public Trust Act 2001. Public Trust is also New Zealand's largest and most enduring trustee organisation, providing independent and reliable trustee services since 1873. Its Maori name "Te Tari Tiaki Iwi", translates as "the organisation that takes care of people".

  • Public Trust

    Corporate Trustee Services, Public Trust
    Level 10, 141 Willis Street
    PO Box 5067, Wellington 6145

    Toll Free: 0800 371 471

    Whilst it is not compulsory to use Escrow, some sellers will take an additional level of comfort in having their emissions units held in the custody of Public Trust, until a Buyer's bank is able to provide written confirmation that payment for the units has been made in cleared funds. Please note that Public Trust is the only Approved Escrow agent for Carbon Match transactions, and use of this service is at the seller's option and cost. We are confident that you will find the fees to be reasonable and the service exemplary. The creditworthiness of Public Trust is rated by Moody's Investors Service. Details of its current rating are available here

    The fee payable for the Public Trust escrow service is the greater of:

    1. an amount equal to 3 basis points of the Settlement Price; and
    2. $200

    plus GST (if any)