Market Open

16 Oct 2024 11:31:33

Buy and Sell Carbon Credits. Low-cost NZU trading. Direct Contracts. Open every weekday 10am - 5pm (NZ time).

Name Last/Settle($)
NZU (Spot) 62.95

* Unless logged in, Last/Settle on our homepage is delayed and is as per previous market close.

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Carbon Match Ltd ("Carbon Match") provides a web-based emission unit trading facility and is not a registered securities exchange or authorised securities exchange. Carbon Match does not operate a licensed financial product market pursuant to section 310 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is not, nor required to be, regulated under any other New Zealand securities markets law. The trading facility operated by Carbon Match is not accompanied by the investor protections which accompany a registered exchange or a licensed financial product market.

Carbon Match does not assume any responsibility for ensuring compliance by participants using the trading facility operated by it with securities law or for the accuracy of any statements or representations made by participants on the Carbon Match website. Participants using the Carbon Match website trade at their own risk. To the extent that services provided by Carbon Match on or through the Carbon Match website are acquired for the purposes of a business by a participant using the website, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 shall not apply to the supply of those services.